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SRX005491: Sequencing of the Puccinia graminis CRL75-36-700-3 genome.
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina Genome Analyzer II) run: 15.9M spots, 2.4G bases, 1.8Gb downloads

UUID: ce305619-5a14-410e-91f3-3756823bf446
Design: ~1Gb of Illumina sequencing.
Submitted by: Broad Institute (BI)
Study: WGS sequencing and assembly
show Abstracthide Abstract
The <a href="http://www.broad.mit.edu/annotation/genome/puccinia_graminis">Broad Institute</a> sequenced the <i>Puccinia graminis</i> f. sp. <i>tritici</i> strain CRL 75-36-700-3 genome at 7.88X coverage using whole genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing. The current assembly (Assembly 1) consists of 4,557 nuclear genome contigs in 392 supercontigs, and 6 mitochondrial genome contigs in 1 supercontig. The <i>Puccinia graminis</i> f. sp. <i>tritici</i> CRL 75-36-700-3 genome assembly will undergo automated annotation.
Sample: Generic sample from Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici CRL 75-36-700-3
SAMN00013043 • SRS003266 • All experiments • All runs
Name: Solexa-9546
Instrument: Illumina Genome Analyzer II
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: PAIRED
Spot descriptor:
forward77  reverse

Experiment attributes: (show all 5 attributes...) (hide...)
gssr_id: 30185.1
material_type: Genomic DNA
project: G1859
work_request: 18188
Pipeline: show...hide...
2009-03-18 10:48:43.0Rig Software2.1.192Image Analysis 1.3.2
base caller2009-03-18 10:48:44.0GAPipeline1.3.2
Runs: 1 run, 15.9M spots, 2.4G bases, 1.8Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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